What We Do


Through generous donations of people like yourself, we raise funds and items for use in the everyday running of the home. These include but are not limited to clothes, food, books, shoes, mattresses, beds, utensils, etc

Give a Home

We give children a conducive environment at our home where they are able to feel loved, cared for and valued. We provide a well balanced nutritional diet to ensure the kids have all they require to grow into strong healthy adults .

Provide Another Chance

We are a home for all children giving them a fresh start at life. We provide love,care and nurture for the children living here. Our home provides a welcome and safe haven for children from all backgrounds and circumstances.

Some Photos to Inspire You


We are eternally grateful for all the love and support we have received from everyone over the years. We are overwhelmed by your kindness and love and are truly humbled by your commitment and grace in ensuring this home sustains ,grows and thrives.